Care Quality Commission

  • — CQC - Fernside Inspection report 06.04.2018

    People were supported to be individuals. For example, people attended a local day centre when they were ready and used their own transport driven by care staff. Staff understood that, no matter whether in the home or eating out, some people preferred to eat their meals in company and others in a more private setting. One person's care plan detailed their preferences in this area of their life for when they ate out at restaurants. Every person's bedroom was spacious and had been personalised with family involvement. Relatives told us their family member's bedroom reflected their own tastes and individuality. Bedrooms contained lots of photos of people's family, friends and objects important to them. Mirrors were placed at a Good height that enabled people to see themselves and check on their appearance from their wheelchairs.

  • — CQC - Woodside Inspection Report 17.04.2020

    People's privacy and dignity was upheld at all times and was a key consideration. For example, we observed staff immediately adjusting people's clothing after supporting them to transfer using the ceiling track hoist in the lounge. When out in the community people's medicines were held discreetly for their dignity and security. To help maintain people's privacy and dignity when being supported in a shower room there was a curtain that could be pulled across the doorway. This provided added protection as it meant if the door was opened the person's privacy and dignity was still maintained.

  • — CQC - Oakside Inspection Report 18.01.2023

    The registered managers were passionate about supporting people to be able to access, experience and participate in activities inclusively. They promoted positive risk taking and innovative approaches to support people to achieve this and to provide people with meaningful outcomes. This had improved people's quality of life. For example, supporting wheelchair users to experience lying in the sand at the beach, rock-climbing, paddle boarding and ice skating. One relative told us, "[Person's name] is a social butterfly [person] loves being with people, [person] loves being out and [person] loves doing stuff, seeing [person] rock climbing is absolutely incredible, it is something I never thought I would see, but [person] has done it."